March 3, 2012 |
# |
Title |
Instructor(s) |
Room |
Fee |
Attendees |
Length |
Time |
101 |
Seneschal 101
A review of the branch seneschal’s office, duties, and responsibilities. Recommended for those considering becoming a Seneschal, new Seneschals, and any Seneschals who have not had 101 within the last year. Handouts will be provided. A notebook and pen recommended. |
Bessenyei Rozsa |
OO3 |
23/30 |
1 hr |
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM |
102 |
A Brief History of Sound
Listening to recordings of music from early chant through the end of the sixteenth century, together with discussion of historical context & styles. |
Giovan Donado |
100 |
7/30 |
1 hr |
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM |
103 |
Rapier Marshal 101
The discipline specific required training class for rapier MITs or for rapier marshals wishing to satisfy their every 3 years training update. Learn the process of becoming a rapier marshal, recent and upcoming rules changes, and get your marshaling questions answered. |
Rosalind Delamere |
103 |
14/30 |
1 hr |
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM |
104 |
Islamic Rosaries- the Tesbih, Subha or Misbaha
It is said that Mohammed introduced the usage of the Tesbih when he found his daughter counting the Names of Allah while using a small pile of date stones to help her keep track.
In this class we will explore a basic history of the Islamic Rosary, it's usage and why it has different names, the materials that would have been available in period, the variety of prayers said with them, folklore and common superstitious usages, how it's use has evolved over the centuries and how to make one for your own Middle Eastern persona. |
Rowan Berran McDowell |
101 |
$3.00 |
15/20 |
1 hr |
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM |
105 |
History of Rapier
Ever wondered "What is that blue scarf/gold scarf/white scarf thing?" Or "Why do we have heavy rapier and light rapier?" Or "Can Elphin teach a class?" Elphin will do his best to answer these questions and more as he goes through the history of rapier and the Academie d'Espee of Atlantia. |
Elphin ap Dafyd |
105 |
2/30 |
1 hr |
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM |
106 |
How To Comment On Heraldic Submissions
An important part of the submissions process is commenting. How does one comment? What is good commentary? What is bad commentary? What is different about commentary at Laurel and at earlier stages of the process? Answers to all these questions and
more. Level: Beginner |
Tanczos Istvan |
127 |
16/30 |
1 hr |
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM |
107 |
Court Heraldry 101 -
A beginner's guide to workings of a Royal/Baronial court and what is involved in being a court herald. Topics covered will include preparing for court, how to herald court, and how to deal with the paperwork after court. |
Cian mac Cellacháin hUí Dublaich |
107 |
2/20 |
1 hr |
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM |
108 |
Hilt-and-Point Sword Dancing
Hilt-and-point sword dances are a family of dances related to morris which are found throughout Europe and originate in the 14th century. We will discuss the origins and history of these unusual dances, as well as stepping through a tentative interpretation of a 16th-century example. |
Jaume de Monçó |
Lobby 3 |
8/12 |
1 hr |
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM |
112 |
Beginner English Country Dance
We will try to do Upon a Summers Day, Sellingers Round, New Boe Peep, and Jenny Pluck Pears. No partner needed, no experience needed. |
Tailefhlaith ingen Ruaircc Wenllyan Goch |
205 |
19/30 |
1 hr |
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM |
113 |
What to Expect when the Royals are Expected
This class is for all royal liaisons, autocrats, members of the retinue, head retainers, Baronage, and others wondering how to handle a visit from TRM, TRH, or other visiting Royals at your local event. What is the etiquette of inviting and hosting royals? What might be requested from your group? What information should you ask for? How can you make such a visit special for your group and the visiting royals? |
Adriana la Bretonne |
206 |
20/30 |
1 hr |
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM |
114 |
A survey of fortifications during the SCA time period, including iron age hill forts, Irish round towers, Norman motte and bailey castles, tower houses, Edwardian castles, post-gunpowder bastions. Photos of extant examples of each. |
Stefan of Cambion |
Lobby 6 |
11/12 |
1 hr |
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM |
115 |
Alexandra Scott de Northumberland |
Lobby 4 |
6/30 |
1 hr |
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM |
109 |
Rapier 101
Come and learn the basics of SCA Rapier! We will be covering stretching, footwork, basic offensive/defensive techniques, and drills you can use to increase your skills. |
Percival Aldridge |
Courtyard |
8/30 |
2 hrs |
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM |
110 |
Target Archery Marshall
This is the basic Target Archery Marshall class designed to train new Marshall. When you leave, you will be a MIT. We will discuss range safety from standing on the line to retrieving arrows, learn how to inspect various types of bows and what problems might be encountered, learn what safety zones are and how to measure them, how to call timed shoots, and various other topics that will qualify the individual to become a MIT. |
Katarzyna Witkowska |
200 |
7/20 |
2 hrs |
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM |
111 |
Byzantine Icon Painting 101
Learn to frugally paint a small painted wooden icon panel and go home with a beautiful piece of artwork while learning a little bit of the history behind the period masters of iconology. |
Rohesia Anven of Thessaloniki |
201 |
$7.00 |
5/7 |
2 hrs |
10:00 AM - 12:00 PM |
201 |
Seneschal 201
Baronial Pollings and Pollings of Confidence. Recommended for Baronial Seneschals. Handouts will be provided. A notebook and pen recommended. |
Bessenyei Rozsa |
OO3 |
18/30 |
1 hr |
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM |
202 |
Recording Your Music
Welcome to 2012. Have you heard of the internet? It is so easy to publish your music online these days. It's easy to make CDs too. Why don't you record some and put it out there? It's cheaper and easier than you think. We'll talk about available technology, recording tips, legal stuff, online tools, and promotional tips. |
Efenwealt Wystle |
100 |
12/30 |
1 hr |
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM |
203 |
Cut & Thrust Marshal 101
The discipline specific required training class for C&T MITs or for C&T marshals wishing to satisfy their every 3 years training update. Learn the process of becoming a C&T marshal, recent and upcoming rules changes, and get your marshaling questions answered. |
Rosalind Delamere |
103 |
7/30 |
1 hr |
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM |
204 |
Norse Raven Banners
Part of this class will be a lecture of the history and different approaches to Norse Raven banners. The second part will be practical applications of this style banner in the SCA. |
Tyra Jonsdatter |
101 |
17/30 |
1 hr |
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM |
205 |
Dressing a Venetian Gentleman in 1500
We will look at the clothing of Venice in the decades around 1500, exploring a gentleman's attire from the skin out. I will bring examples of garments I've made, discuss questions I've pursued and challenges I've encountered, and share the patterns I have drafted and the sources I have explored. See |
Margaret Wolseley |
105 |
13/30 |
1 hr |
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM |
206 |
Conflict Checking Using The Complex Search Form
There is a very powerful tool for doing armory conflict checking, but most people do not use it correctly. This course will teach you what you need to know about the internals of the SCA database and how to use this tool to speed up your conflict checking. This class requires knowledge of charge group theory and will not teach it. Level: Advanced |
Tanczos Istvan |
127 |
14/30 |
1 hr |
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM |
207 |
Court Heraldry 102 -
An in-depth discussion of Court Protocol. Who follows whom, who sits where, and who does what. Topics will center around how to handle the seating arrangements
and entrances at court. |
Cian mac Cellacháin hUí Dublaich |
107 |
3/20 |
1 hr |
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM |
208 |
Historical Context of the I.33 Manuscript
A discussion of the I.33 manuscript as a historical document, its place in the intellectual conversation of the middle ages, and its likely influence on subsequent European martial arts manuals. The fee will cover the cost of providing printed copies of the I.33 manual with side-by-side texts of the Latin and the Bachmann translation, as well as additional material on the topic. |
Grettir Tindsson |
Lobby 3 |
$5.00 |
8/20 |
1 hr |
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM |
212 |
Branles (Beginner 16th c French Dance)
These branles come from Arbeau's 1589 book. The dances are easy to dance. We will include Maltese, Horses, Pease, Montard, Washerwoman, and Officials. No partner needed, no experience needed |
Tailefhlaith ingen Ruaircc Wenllyan Goch |
205 |
16/30 |
1 hr |
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM |
213 |
Combat Archery 101
Required class for all that want to be CA Marshals, covers rules and inspection procedures. |
Gordon Kinloch |
206 |
1 hr |
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM |
215 |
Pages’ Academy Dance
This class will teach the basics of dance, plus a few dances for those beginning or wanting to get some practice. Dances included will be Belle Qui, Petit Vriens, Branle de la Montard, Jenny Pluck Pears and the Maltese Branle (SCA version) as time and participation permits. |
Alexandra Scott de Northumberland |
Lobby 4 |
11/30 |
1 hr |
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM |
301 |
Chatelain 101
This class is the basic required class to become a warranted chatelain. Anyone who is interested in working with newcomers is welcome; whether they want to be warranted or not. |
Aine O Grienan |
OO3 |
11/30 |
1 hr |
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM |
302 |
Performing Poetry
Covering the basics of what it takes to get up and perform a poem in a bardic circle, court, or any other venue. |
Estienne Le Mons d'Anjou |
100 |
9/10 |
1 hr |
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM |
303 |
Rapier MiC 101
This class will cover the things you need to know to be an effective Rapier Marshal in Charge. |
Rosalind Delamere |
107 |
6/15 |
1 hr |
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM |
304 |
Sing Along with Uncle Efenwealt
songs for SCA kids - let's sing some rounds, some fun songs that teach about history, some singalongs. I'll have some percussion and musical toys that kids can play along with. Geared toward ages 8-12, but all ages are welcome. |
Efenwealt Wystle |
103 |
15/30 |
1 hr |
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM |
305 |
Machine Sew so it Doesn't Show
Make your dresses mostly or even entirely by machine with the clever use of linings, facings, and guards so that the machine stitching is hidden inside the garment with none of it showing on the outside. A handout will be provided showing pattern layouts and construction order for each style of dress covered. Models of dresses constructed with the methods will be available for examination. |
Mariana de Salamanca |
105 |
14/30 |
1 hr |
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM |
306 |
Armory Function & Design
The SCA never requires you to register any armory. Ever. You can use whatever you want painted, embroidered or chiseled on anything you wish. However, if you want something reasonably accurate to history and something that will pass Laurel's scrutiny, there are standards to be met, reasons for the rules. We'll talk about what our ancestors generally did, what the SCA does and allows and how to find something that will tell the world you are present. |
Gisela vom Kreuzbach |
127 |
8/30 |
1 hr |
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM |
307 |
The New Rules and You, part 1: Names
As you have probably heard, there's a new set of Rules in town. Palimpsest Herald, the primary author of the new Rules for Submissions, will give you the rundown on all the changes in store for you and name submissions. I'll talk about the overall organization of the rules, regional name groups, conflict, presumption, and non-personal names.
This class will be aimed at heralds who may or may not be familiar with the current Rules, approaching the new Rules as a whole. Due to time constraints, this class will be a lecture with Q&A at the end, not a discussion; I'll be available all day. |
Marie de Blois |
136-aud |
16/∞ |
1 hr |
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM |
309 |
Melee Roundtable
Come and spend a relaxing hour with the brudders! Seriously, we will be covering the basics of rapier melee and spending some time answering your questions. We will be giving live demonstrations of what does/does not work. Come and learn how to make your next melee and more pleasurable, and deadly, experience! |
Aldemere Mac Rafe Jean Maurice le Marinier Michael Wymarc Thomas Schreiber |
Courtyard |
6/30 |
1 hr |
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM |
310 |
Archery 101
An in depth discussion about beginner archery and how to get started in archery in the SCA. This class with cover equipment choices and various aspects of archery for beginners. |
Janyn Fletcher of Lancastreschire |
200 |
20/30 |
1 hr |
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM |
311 |
Tips for and Engaging and Interesting A&S Display
This class will cover everything you need to know about creating an A&S display: what to do, what to avoid, examples of good and bad, and a demonstration. The latter part of the class will be open to discussion. Please bring your ideas and questions! |
Sunneva de Cleia |
201 |
14/30 |
1 hr |
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM |
312 |
15th century Italian dances
No partner needed, no experience is necessary. Dances will probably include Amoroso, Petit Riens, Anello, and Rostiboli Gioiso |
Evelynne Merrymet |
205 |
22/30 |
1 hr |
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM |
313 |
Writing a Research Paper
How to pick a topic, prepare an outline, find quality sources and cite them properly. Learn the difference between a research paper and a report or a review paper, and the most important question your paper should always address. Instructor is a published researcher and will tell you how to write to scholarly journal standards. |
Teleri Barod |
206 |
$1.00 |
6/30 |
1 hr |
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM |
315 |
Something Wicker
A survey of SCA-period basket styles to assist in purchasing or making baskets for SCA use. Handout on CD. |
Signy Dimmridaela |
101 |
16/30 |
1 hr |
1:30 PM - 2:30 PM |
308 |
I.33 for Cut and Thrust, Part 1
14th Century sword and buckler technique for Cut and Thrust in Atlantian Cut and Thrust. Bring sword and buckler, I will have a couple for loaning. I want as many folks to play as possible. |
Giacomo Luciano Saviour Vincènti di Firenze |
Lobby 2 |
9/20 |
2 hrs |
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM |
314 |
Introduction to Embroidery
Seven common stitches taught, with instruction including how to start and finish, burying the thread ends. Students will be able to practice stitches themselves, using kit provided. Kit includes hoop, fabric, needle, floss, printed documentation.
Stitches taught:
Running stitch (straight stitch)
Double running stitch (Holbein stitch)
Back stitch
Stem stitch
Outline stitch
Chain stitch
Reverse chain stitch (broad chain stitch) |
Jdeke von Kolberg |
Lobby 6 |
$5.00 |
2 hrs |
1:30 PM - 3:30 PM |
401 |
Autocratting 101
How to autocrat a successful event from the ground up. Recommended for Autocrats, potential Autocrats and Branch Seneschals. Handouts will be provided. A notebook and pen recommended. |
Bessenyei Rozsa |
OO3 |
24/30 |
1 hr |
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM |
402 |
Story Development and Documentation
A class addressing the development of a story from a theme, motif, or handful of story elements, as well as developing documentation for stories. We will also address how to pare down/build up a story, and where to break large stories for episodic telling.
Activities will include:
· Introduction to theme/motif indexes
· Redaction of a large/epic story to its minimum structure
· Building a story out of a handful of story elements
· Finding the natural breaks in long stories
· Tips on finding/developing documentation for stories |
Bertran de Saint-Jean |
100 |
7/30 |
1 hr |
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM |
403 |
MoAS 101
A course designed to train Ministers of Arts & Sciences, this class is none-the-less open to any interested. It will cover: How & When to do Reports, How to Run an A&S Competition, and How to Run an Artisan's Row. As part of How to Run a Competition, we will discuss judging, judging forms, and what instructions to give judges at your competition. |
Jeanmaire Ilaria Beatrice du Domremy |
101 |
7/30 |
1 hr |
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM |
404 |
How to Never Be Bored in the SCA If You're a Kid
In this class, we will discuss things that we like to do and ways to have fun at events. We will talk about arts you can learn, entertainments you can bring, services you can perform, and how to get involved with youth combat. The teacher is a ten-year-old page who has already won SCA awards for his arts, service, and fighting; he will be assisted by his lady mother. |
Margaret Wolseley William Garrett |
103 |
11/20 |
1 hr |
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM |
405 |
Three Styles of Fillet
Patterning and construction of a plain, pleated, and "pie-crust" style of fillet will be covered and a basic pattern that can be sized to fit most will be provided. Both finished hats and hats in various stages of construction will be available for examination. |
Mariana de Salamanca |
105 |
6/10 |
1 hr |
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM |
406 |
Choosing a Registerable SCA Name
"Names are important. They are often the first thing other people have on
which to form an opinion of us. Princess Daisy of the Purple Unicorns might not give the best
impression. We can invest a lot of time and emotion in coming up with a name. However, if it doesn't follow reasonable historical practice or general SCA standards, it won't be registered. In this class we'll discuss what the SCA requires in a name and what was generally historically done. |
Gisela vom Kreuzbach |
127 |
21/30 |
1 hr |
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM |
407 |
The New Rules and You, part 2: Armory
As you have probably heard, there's a new set of Rules in town. Palimpsest Herald, the primary author of the new Rules for Submissions, will give you the rundown on all the changes in store for you and armory submission. From General Principles to Appendices, regional name groups to Individually Attested Patterns, and substantial and distinct
differences - these rules are a whole new ball game. This class will be aimed at heralds who may or may not be familiar with the current Rules, approaching the new Rules as a whole. Due to time constraints, this class will be a lecture with Q&A at the end, not a discussion; I'll be available all day. |
Marie de Blois |
136-aud |
13/∞ |
1 hr |
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM |
410 |
Stocking the Archery Loaner Kit
A discussion of the needed in a local group's loaner kit, with suggestions on how to transport and store the equipment. Includes some philosophy on why we stock loaner equipment. Will include Isenfir's infamous "golfe bags". |
Mungo Napier |
200 |
9/30 |
1 hr |
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM |
411 |
Flat Gilding
Are you scared of using real gold on your artwork? This is the class for you! Come learn five different methods of applying flat gold to your scrolls. We will practice with parchment and patent gold -- no need to bring your own supplies. This class is designed for scribes and artists of every skill level. |
Sunneva de Cleia |
201 |
$3.00 |
18/20 |
1 hr |
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM |
412 |
Communicating with Musicians – A Roundtable Discussion
(Both Musicians and Dancers are encouraged to attend)
This interactive class will focus on communications between the Dance Master/Mistress and the musicians who will play for the event. This is a practical application discussion. Topics will include: contacting musicians, sharing the dance list, sheet music arrangements/repeats and more. Specifically, Pennsic Piles will be compared to dances performed in Atlantia. If you have a Pennsic Pile, please bring it with you. Some will be available to share. |
Alexandra Scott de Northumberland |
205 |
10/30 |
1 hr |
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM |
413 |
Drogo Rainulf de Dragonera |
206 |
1 hr |
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM |
415 |
16th century Italian dance
Gracca Amoroso and Bizzaria d'Amore. Come try a couple of dances that are a different style than the ones we usually do at events. It will impress your friends when you do these at a ball. All steps will be taught. |
Stefan of Cambion |
Lobby 4 |
11/12 |
1 hr |
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM |
416 |
Retainer 101
An introduction to being a royal retainer for those currently serving as a retainer, may possibly be a retainer in the future, or wonder what the people standing behind the big chairs are doing. We will discuss the responsibilities, etiquette, and expectations as well as the benefits of serving your royals or baronage in this position. |
Adriana la Bretonne |
107 |
2/15 |
1 hr |
2:30 PM - 3:30 PM |
501 |
So, You Want To Have A Demo?
This class will cover the basics of hosting a demo of any kind. We will cover kinds, reasons for them and some of the how to's and what to look for. |
Aine O Grienan |
OO3 |
13/30 |
1 hr |
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM |
502 |
Constructive Criticism: Dishing It Out and Taking It
If you've ever been called on to judge, or have ever received the results of a judging, this class may be of
interest to you. For advice dispensers: how to give useful, kind and honest feedback; how not to get tagged as a Big Authenticity Meanie. For advice receivers: how to listen to advice, how to separate the hard advice from the bad advice, and how a dead parakeet can keep things in perspective. |
Teleri Barod |
100 |
9/30 |
1 hr |
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM |
504 |
Youth Archery
We will discuss equipment, including bow and arrow selection, range safety from standing on the line to retrieving arrows, learn how to inspect your own bow, learn what a safety zone is and how to measure it, learn about timed shoots and how to do them, and important topics. |
Katarzyna Witkowska |
103 |
6/10 |
1 hr |
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM |
506 |
Sovány Barcsi János |
127 |
6/30 |
1 hr |
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM |
507 |
Conflict Checking Armory Under The "New" Rules
Conflict checking armory against the tens of thousands of registered devices is confusing, and the rules that heralds use to do it are not necessarily intuitive. This class will cover how conflict is defined, what the rules are, since the rules are changing in early 2012, and how to apply them. Level: Beginner to Advanced |
Tanczos Istvan |
136-aud |
8/∞ |
1 hr |
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM |
509 |
Fundamentals of Giganti
Introduction to the theory and tactics of Nicoletto Giganti's teachings of the late Italian rapier system. Bring masks, longest rapier you own, and gloves. |
Wistric Oftun |
Courtyard |
5/20 |
1 hr |
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM |
510 |
Making Combat Arrow and bolts
Covers the rules for Combat archery ammunition in Atlantia and hands-on in making CA bolts with the Fathead blunts. |
Gordon Kinloch |
200 |
1 hr |
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM |
512 |
Early English Dance (Gresley Manuscript)
Come learn how the English danced in SCA period! These dances are from a 1500 manuscript and are a different
style than the English Country dances you are used to. |
Azenari Basandere |
205 |
22/30 |
1 hr |
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM |
513 |
Teaching for non-teachers
A class addressing basic class preparation and presentation, specifically for gentles that do not come from a professional education background.
Specifically, this class will address (in no particular order):
· Lesson planning
· Handout development
· Class structure
· Learning styles |
Bertran de Saint-Jean |
206 |
10/30 |
1 hr |
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM |
514 |
Cavalry 101
In this class you will learn about the safety aspect of SCA equestrian marshal activities. You will also learn the standards for helping the riders on and off the field. This class also authorizes you as a grounds-crew member. |
Filippo Clemente degli Esposti |
107 |
$5.00 |
10/15 |
1 hr |
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM |
515 |
Budo: Kihon (Movement)
This is a brief course to work on basics of movement for Japanese sword arts. We will go over items of posture and movement that will help give students a foundation for studying further arts, whether eastern or western. Practice swords are encouraged (Western, Eastern, or SCAdian). |
Ii Saburou Katsumori |
Lobby 4 |
15/20 |
1 hr |
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM |
516 |
Want to make your own paternoster? We will cover that. We will also cover a brief history of where and why they came into use, how it evolved from the 3rd century to the 1600's and what prayers were said and how that changed over time. Other topics covered will be, evidence of paternosters in period portraiture, extant examples we can find in museums even locally, traditions and legends regarding the Rosary or Paternoster, and why no well dressed European Christian Scadian should be without this essential accessory. Got questions? Please bring them. If I don't have the answer, I can always find someone who does! |
Rowan Berran McDowell |
Lobby 6 |
$3.00 |
5/10 |
1 hr |
3:30 PM - 4:30 PM |
503 |
Ceridwen ferch Owain |
101 |
19/30 |
2 hrs |
3:30 PM - 5:30 PM |
505 |
Make Your Own Pillbox Hat
The pillbox hat or cap shows up in many different pre-1600 cultures including Turkey, Italy, England, Greece, and Russia. It was worn by both men and women. Teacher will have some supplies, but please try to bring your own: needle, thread, scissors, a piece of fashion fabric at least 18" by 22" and the same amount of lining, fleece or felt or wool roving to pad the hat (any color). Teacher will have a variety of stiffeners, including buckram, plastic canvas and paper for students to purchase if they wish. Cost range is $0.00 - $3.00. Responsible youth welcome, and parent and child pairs encouraged. |
Maria Beatriz Moro |
105 |
$2.00 |
4/10 |
2 hrs |
3:30 PM - 5:30 PM |
508 |
I.33 for Cut and Thrust, Part 2
14th Century sword and buckler technique for Cut and Thrust in Atlantian Cut and Thrust. Bring sword and buckler, I will have a couple for loaning. I want as many folks to play as possible. |
Giacomo Luciano Saviour Vincènti di Firenze |
Lobby 2 |
5/20 |
2 hrs |
3:30 PM - 5:30 PM |
511 |
Atlantian College of Heralds Roadshow
An examination and lab for the process of creating commentary and decisions about SCA heraldic submissions to the Laurel Sovereign of Arms. Use of laptops for conflict checking are encouraged. |
Hróðný Rognvaldsdóttir |
201 |
8/30 |
2 hrs |
3:30 PM - 5:30 PM |
601 |
Kingdom Event Bids
How to submit a bid for a Kingdom Event and the process of how a bid is chosen. Handouts will be provided. A notebook and pen recommend. |
Alesia Gillefalyn Bessenyei Rozsa |
OO3 |
13/30 |
1 hr |
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM |
602 |
How to Participate in a Bardic Without Performing
Many people love bardics and want to participate, but don’t necessarily have the confidence to get up and perform. SO – I have put together a book of favorite SCA songs which you will receive. We will learn at least 2 songs during the class and have some discussion about “the rules of bardic circles” and how you can make it a better experience as a participant spectator. |
Rosanella Vespucci |
100 |
21/30 |
1 hr |
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM |
604 |
Margaret Wolseley |
103 |
1 hr |
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM |
606 |
Sogdian Names (and a brief history)
A look at names of the far-flung traders of Sogdiana, a transoxianian nation of Northern Iranian extraction found along the silk road from China to Persia and beyond. |
Ii Saburou Katsumori |
127 |
4/30 |
1 hr |
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM |
607 |
The New Rules and You, part 3: The Knowledgeable Herald
This class is aimed at those who are already quite familiar with the current Rules for Submission and at least generally familiar with precedent. Palimpsest Herald, the primary author of the new Rules for Submissions, will give you the rundown on all the changes between the current rules and the new ones. This class will be presented in terms of the changes - attendees should know what terms like 'X.4.j.ii' and 'Documented Exceptions' mean already - and aimed at getting current heralds up to speed quickly. Due to time constraints, this class will be a lecture with Q&A at the end, not a discussion; I'll be available all day. |
Marie de Blois |
136-aud |
4/∞ |
1 hr |
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM |
609 |
One-on-one w/White Scarf
Get one on one training for the class period with the aforementioned White Scarf. 1 per White Scarf in attendance (Max 10), please limit to those with three or less years of rapier experience; please don't chose to work with a white scarf you see every practice; signup at the start of class. $5 fee will go to the general fund for the Kingdom. |
Elphin ap Dafyd |
Courtyard |
$5.00 |
9/10 |
1 hr |
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM |
610 |
Arrow Making 101
An in depth look at how to make traditional and period arrows that not only look good but perform well too! A start to finish discussion of various techniques of the arrow making process. |
Janyn Fletcher of Lancastreschire |
200 |
12/30 |
1 hr |
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM |
612 |
Mid-Level English Country Dance
We intend to work on Grimstock, Hyde Park, Goddesses, and Scotch Cap. These Dances are fun to teach and fun to dance. Expect to have a good time. Flirting is encouraged. |
Evelynne Merrymet |
205 |
11/30 |
1 hr |
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM |
613 |
Being Byzantine in the Modern Middle Ages
A roundtable discussion of how to reenact Byzantines in the modern middle ages (SCA, for example) including how other organizations do it. Discussion will cover Varangians and allies of the Byzantines during the whole time of the empire, sources of information, and how to select a name. |
Rohesia Anven of Thessaloniki Sovány Barcsi János |
206 |
10/30 |
1 hr |
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM |
614 |
Research and Documentation for the Performing (and Other!) Arts
Historically Informed Performance is a field devoted to researching and re-creating early music. There's
more to it than just learning a medieval tune! Come and learn the research process, as experienced by a
mundane PhD, and how it applies to researching bardic arts. While the class's examples are focused on bardic,
the techniques are useful for any A&S researcher. And we'll cover a simple but comprehensive format for
documentation that will painlessly lead a reviewer on a guided tour of your work. |
Teleri Barod |
107 |
8/15 |
1 hr |
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM |
615 |
Azenari Basandere |
Lobby 4 |
9/30 |
1 hr |
4:30 PM - 5:30 PM |