The University of Atlantia is dedicated to the advancement of teaching in the Kingdom of Atlantia, SCA, Inc. Degrees presented by the University of Atlantia are not awards of the Society for Creative Anachronism or any of its branches and do not convey SCA precedence. We are therefore pleased to be able to offer degrees to qualifying students and faculty across the Knowne World.
There are two to three University sessions each year. If you are interested in hosting a University, please refer to our bid guidelines.
For more details on teaching classes, check out the page on Teaching at University.Greetings to the noble friends of the University of Atlantia! As the new year arrives, the University is making some change to our staff. We are seeking two new deputies for existing positions:
A Deputy External Communications Lead – to assist the External Communications lead with mass communications regarding the University of Atlantia. We are looking for someone with familiarity with large emailings and social media campaigns. An ability to keep on top of deadlines and work with a diverse team on the University staff a must. In particular, works with the Video Resources coordinator to ensure consistency in presentation. This position is intended to be the successor to the External Communications Lead. Contact Lady Christina O'Cleary at
A Deputy Video Resources Coordinator – to assist in managing recordings made for the University (classes, presentations, Convocations, etc.) and supporting its offerings on the University of Atlantia YouTube channel. We are looking for someone with familiarity with video editing software and developing a consistent look and feel to University-specific content. Must be proactive in preparing content and getting it posted. An ability to work with a diverse team on the University staff a must. In particular, works with the External Communications Lead to ensure consistency in presentation. This position is intended to be the successor to Video Resources Coordinator. Contact Lady Alessandra de Monteriggioni at
At this time, we are retiring the position of Instructor Support Coordinator. We are adding the new position of IDEA (inclusion, diversity, equity, and accommodation) Coordinator. This will be Mistress Tegan de Moreton who will be the point of contact for students and instructors for any IDEA issues, or for anything for the attention of the University staff. Her email is Please congratulate and support her in this new effort to ensure that the University of Atlantia provides the best possible service to it broad audience.
The University of Atlantia's Winter Session (February 1-2, 2025) is now open for track proposals and individual class proposals!
This is an entirely online session of the University. There will be 6 class hours on Saturday (10:00 AM, 11:00 AM, 1:00 PM, 2:00 PM, 3:30 PM, and 4:30 PM) and 4 hours on Sunday (1:00 PM, 2:00 PM, 3:30 PM, and 4:30 PM). All times are US Eastern Standard Time. If you are not in the Eastern time zone, please use a time converter app to ensure you are neither too early nor too late to enjoy your classes.
The University of Atlantia is accepting individual class proposals through December 11, 2024. To submit a class proposal, log on to the University of Atlantia website ( using your Atlantian Enterprise Login (AEL) account login/password. In the left hand menu, select “Propose a Class”. If you do not have an AEL login, you must register for a new account. It does not matter if you are a resident of Atlantia or not.
Those organizing tracks of classes (thematically grouped classes of up to 6 hours on Saturday, 4 hours on Sunday) should submit their track proposal on the Google Form at by November 27, 2024. Track proposals assist the University staff in preparing the catalog and ensuring classes intended to be taught in a sequence are properly scheduled. Classes in a track must be entered individually as described above.
The catalog will be published and pre-registration open on January 3, 2025. Pre-registration is required to attend online classes at the University of Atlantia. Pre-registration closes on January 30, 2025. Once pre-registration closes, students will be unable to make changes to their class schedules unless their class is canceled.
All classes will be in named breakout rooms from the University Great Hall (Zoom room) unless the instructor has specified use of their own video platform.
Chancellor - Dame Deirdre O'Siodhachain, OP & OL (she/her)
Deputy Chancellor - Father Ælfric Ecgeling
Vivat Universitatis Atlantiae! Discite Omnia!
Greetings to all from Dame Deirdre O’Siodhachain, Chancellor of the University of Atlantia
Session 117 of the University of Atlantia is done. As ever, it could not have happened and been the success it was without the intense preparation and hard work of many volunteers. I have nothing but praise for the staff of the University who labored in the background to ensure that everything was ready for the September 21-22 weekend. I continue to be amazed at the amount of goodwill and expertise they bring to ensuring that the University continues to deliver an excellent experience for those who attend.
For the in-person session on Saturday, our heartfelt thanks go to the Canton of Tear-Sea’s Shore which provided us with an excellent site and tremendous support. My particular thanks go to our Event Steward THL Constantia in der Lachun who worked with our Registrar to ensure that everything was set for Saturday’s attendees, and who faced several last-minute obstacles and overcame them all. Mistress Tegan de Moreton’s fundraiser lunch was a tasty delight for those who partook of it, and her hours in the kitchen are greatly appreciated. We thank all the folk of the Canton and other volunteers who worked with us. It is the University’s mandate to rotate around the kingdom and we are very pleased that the Canton provided us with a chance for a far-South session for the first time in 10 years. Vivat! And we hope it will not be so long again.
For the online session, thanks to our Deputy Registrar Baroness Genvieve d'Aquitaine, TA Coordinator the Noble Thórvé Skáld Rikardsdottir, External Communications Lead Lady Christina O’Cleary, and Online Support Coordinator Magnifica Beatrice Domenici della Campana whose good cheer and steady presence made the Great Hall space work for those passing through its rooms.
Finally, I wish to thank our instructors who gave so generously of their time and expertise, and our students who joined us for one day or both. Without your presence, University would not happen. It is truly a joy to see the enthusiasm with which you participate. You make the University staff’s efforts worthwhile, and share the pleasure of your company with our host groups.
Preparations for the fully online Winter Session (118) of the University on the weekend of February 1-2 will begin in the next few weeks. We look forward to sharing the details with you as soon as these become available.
Upcoming Sessions:
Session #118 (online)
Kingdom of Atlantia
February 1, 2025 - February 3, 2025
Full Classes:
1013 - Women's Bronze Age Tunic
713 - Getting Started with Bronze Age Clothing
913 - One-piece shoes of the Bronze and Iron Ages