University of Atlantia

University Bids

Why host the University of Atlantia?

The University of Atlantia is a protected kingdom-level event, but it is less complicated to host compared to Crown Tournament and Coronation. The University holds in-person sessions the second Saturday in June and the third Saturday in September. Once a bid is in place, the University does the bulk of the work for the event. The host needs to secure a site and coordinate with the site officials, and keep the gate and do the financial reports.The University staff does most of the advertising, recruits instructors, prepares the catalogs, registers students, and then manages the session the day of the event.

The University of Atlantia bears the cost of the event site and approved expenses. The University runs on donations and merchandise sales. If donations do not meet the cost of the site, the University makes up the difference. The University is willing to consider sites that are more out-of-the-way to fulfill its mission of bringing learning to all parts of Atlantia, ones that are more expensive than usual provided the location serves the kingdom and the University mission, and/or ones that are not traditional classroom settings but have other strengths to offer SCA learning.

You do not have to be an official group in Atlantia to host a University. A group of individuals or a household may bid for a University session. University can be a great event to host for a relatively new Event Steward.

Hosting a University session is an opportunity for local instructors to participate at a kingdom level, or to bring in instructors from further afield. At University, people make connections with others and expand and/or discover their personal interests.

University provides a platform where:

There is something for everyone whether they are interested in service or the arts and sciences.

Thank you for considering hosting an upcoming University session. Below there are elements to think about in selecting a site suitable for University, for submitting a University bid, and then follow up once the bid is accepted.

We think about University sites as traditional (indoor with classrooms and a common area) or nontraditional (outdoor under tents or a campground with cabins). The important thing is that we understand the capabilities of the site and tailor recruitment of instructors and class topics accordingly. Keep in mind that in addition to class space, University needs space for Event Gate, Student Registration, and University Convocation (which is usually a great space for lunch).

Traditional Sites

  • Normally 10-15 classrooms with adult sized desks/tables and chairs. Spaces that can be used for things like a Quiet Room or Royal Room are a bonus.
  • Common gathering place with space for Registrar and hosting group's check-in tables. This can be in wide halls or entry areas but must include tables and chairs for use by registration staff.

Nontraditional Sites

  • 10-15 well-delineated spaces for classes that are sheltered in case of bad weather.
  • A hall for registration and Convocation.
  • Available electricity to class areas.
  • Adequate sanitary facilities.

Additionally for All Types of Sites

  • Site maps to post about the site, distribute at registration, or directional signs.
  • Determine any restrictions like no tobacco or vaping, no alcohol, no “live” steel, no pets.
  • Determine any positives like martial activity, brewing classes, or facilities for “messy” arts for use by artisans such as bead makers (who use MAPP gas torches), casters (who heat metal), scribes (running water and sinks), cooks (ovens and/or stoves), etc.
  • Frequently asked for:
    • Outside or gymnasium space for martial classes (heavy, rapier). If martial activities are scheduled, the host group must provide an MoL at Gate to check fighter cards, and a marshal for each class. Other outside space for archery, thrown, and/or siege weapons.
    • Large open room for dance classes or performing arts spaces.
  • List of convenient commercial lodging and/or local persons able to provide crash space.
  • Lists of local restaurants.
  • Optional items that host groups might provide:
    • Simple lunch for sale, possibly as a fundraiser.
    • Display space with tables and space for merchants.

By kingdom law, University may be held the first weekend in February, the second weekend in June, and the third weekend in September. Only the second Saturday in June and third Saturday in September are in-person sessions which require a physical site. University welcomes bids for up to two years in the future. Note that by kingdom law the University is required to rotate sessions throughout Atlantia. Consideration of any bid will be in the context of that rotation among the north, central, and south regions. A good bid may not be accepted for the proposed date, but asked to consider a future date.

Bids to host University are submitted to the Chancellor through the Kingdom Event Bid Deputy. Bid forms are available from the Kingdom Seneschal's web page. The Kingdom Event Bid Deputy reviews the bids and advises the Chancellor, but the final decision is the Chancellor’s.

University will solicit donations at each session to cover site, printing and other administrative costs. The host may opt to hold fundraisers to supplement the costs of holding University such as selling lunch. Any fundraising activity must be clearly noted as to where the proceeds will be applied according to kingdom financial policy.

University site costs will be reimbursed to the local group (or directly to the site) up to a maximum set by the Chancellor. This amount will be dependent upon funds available.

University will organize all classes. University will provide and coordinate all registration staff and instructors. The host group is responsible for all other personnel, such as Gate and set-up and clean-up staff. The Deputy Chancellor is the event coordinator with the University host.

Once the bid is accepted, the University Deputy Chancellor will work with the host to ensure that all runs smoothly.

The Deputy Chancellor will confirm the details of the bid and ask any follow up questions not immediately relevant to the bid.

Host group submits the event registration and information flyer to the Kingdom Event Calendar through SPIKE once the bid is approved (please note that a placeholder event already exists on the kingdom calendar–contact the Deputy Chancellor for more details). The University will provide the information for the event.

The Deputy Chancellor will request a site visit – either in person or virtually – to familiarize the University with the details of the site and to make any necessary requests and/or plans for set up.

The Event Steward should proceed as normal for events as far as managing merchants (if any), staffing for site cleanup (if required by the site), etc. Information about accommodations near to the site should be made available along with other information about the event. It can be published separately as a Facebook post or on an event website, however, please take care not to post any info that contradicts what is on the University website and official flyer on the Kingdome calendar and in The Acorn.

Absolutely do not try to copy over University proprietary information (class schedule and the like) to an event site or announcement. Always direct inquiries to the University website (, or to one of the officials on the University staff (see Contacts section of University website).