University of Atlantia


Old Bachelors
Old Masters


Old Masters (Retired March 2012)

Allasondrea de Fano UA10
Therasa du Domremy UA11
Jeanmaire Ilaria Beatrice du Domremy UA12
Albrecht Waldfurster UA15
Teleri Talgellawg UA16
Axel of Taavistia UA20
Robin of Mannefeld UA21
Rufus Barbarossa UA21
Adelicia of Cumbria UA24
Ava Trudine of Tregoenning UA25
Hagar the Black UA25
Thomas Smyth of Ayr UA25
Dafydd ap Gwystl UA26
Elizabeth Beaufort UA26
Gyrth Oldcastle of Ravenspur UA26
Meghan Pengwyn of Wynterwood UA26
Melisande de Belvoir UA26
Meraiah of Land's End UA27
Corwyn Wodewarde UA29
Tessa the Huntress UA30
Vuong Manh UA30
Caterina Leonora de Forza d'Agro UA31
Deirdre Morgan UA31
Elaina de Sinistre UA31
Hilary Fairehaven UA31
Kay Delafleur UA31
Keilyn FitzWarin UA31
Megara di Alessandra UA31
Minowara Kiritsubo UA31
Morgana de Mont St. Michel UA31
Niall McKennett UA31
Owain ap Ioan UA31
Phillip of Ghent UA31
Rosamunde von Muenstern UA31
Stefan of Cambion UA31
Tsunetomi Todomu UA31
William de Montegilt UA31
Deirdre O'Siodhachain UA33
Helen Whitmore UA34
Anton Tremayne UA35
Judith von Gruenwald UA37
Elisabeth MacAlester UA38
Alyson of Islay UA39
Anne of Carthew UA39
Arnbiorn Bassi Dansson UA39
Ávarr Óláfsson UA39
Ceridwen ferch Owain UA39
Clare de Crecy UA39
Herveus d'Ormonde UA39
Hróðný Rognvaldsdóttir UA39
Imran Yosuf le Scorpioun UA39
Isobel Gildingwater of Ditchingham UA39
Katharina von Straubing UA39
Nicole Sinclair UA39
Rabah az-Zafir UA39
Rhys Terfan Greydragon UA39
Richard FitzGilbert UA39
Robyyan Torr d'Elandris UA39
Tadhg mac Aodháin uí Chonchobhair UA39
Tannis of Tir-y-Don UA39
Temair MacDiarmada UA39
Timmeke Haakonson of Nordheim UA39
Tryggvi Grabardr Olsen UA39
Winifred Corbet de Wynterwood UA39
Aislynn of Jarrow UA40
Dealla Cohen UA40
Fernanda de la Forêt UA40
Leifr Jóhansson UA40
Henry Best UA41
James of Rutland UA41
Daniel of Rutland UA42
Miriam Rachael bat Mordechai UA42
Richard ffaukes UA42
Galmr Ingolfsson UA45
Michael Oldcastle of Ravenspur UA45
Nils Olafsson UA45
Aileen McDonagh UA46
Branwen Madyn Wallis UA46
Evan da Collaureo UA46
Francesca la Curiosa UA46
Thora Arnketilsdóttir UA46
Ysolt la Bretonne UA47
Hreodbeorht MacBeath UA48
Aedan Aylwyn UA49
Bran Trefonnen UA49
Efenwealt Wystle UA49
Kyneburh Boithuile UA49
Megan O'Donnelly UA49
Aryanna Hawkyns UA50
Caemfind ingen Chobthaig UA50
Corun MacAnndra UA50
Fíne ingen Tomaltaig UA50
Gawain Kilgore UA50
Genevieve d'Aquitaine UA50
Giuliana Salviati UA50
Margaret Cameron UA50
Morvran Corbet de la Flamme UA50
Quenthryth of Laure UA50
Stephania Hering UA50
Tirloch of Tallaght UA50
Beatrice von Staufen UA51
Caitlín Cheannláidir UA51
Clare Baskervyle UA51
Corwyn Sinister UA51
Labhaiose inghean ui Raghailligh UA51
Theodora Delamore UA51
Alistair Macmillan UA52
Catherine de Bellefleur UA52
Gregory Blount UA52
Aelfred of Cres UA53
Donal macRuiseart UA53
Eógan Mac Ailpein UA53
Evelyn Merrymet UA53
Ruaidhri an Cu UA53
Edvard Gayer UA54
Alys Montgomerie UA55
Briana Morgan of the Valley UA55
Robert Bedingfield UA55
Katherine Luvel UA56
Percival Aldridge UA56
Sine ni Dheaghaidh UA56
Violante de Sant Sebastian UA56
John le Burguillun UA57
Julianna Fiorentini UA57
Lucia Bellini UA57
Tnek the Ainissestor UA57
Beatrice La Grave UA58
Brandwyn Alston of the Rift UA58
Brigantia ni Realda UA58
Constanza de Talavera UA58
Eldred Ælfwald UA58
James of Middle Aston UA58
Katherine Maunsel UA58
Manus MacDay UA58
Margaret Cochrane UA58
Margrét Eyverska UA58
Sveva la Lucciola UA58
Arianna Morgan UA59
Azza al-Shirazi UA59
Ellen of York UA59
Finnr Grimulfsson UA59
Geva de Lile UA59
Kevin of Thornbury UA59
Marie Thérèse Normand UA59
Susanna Schweißguth UA59
Denis de Dijon UA60
Maire inghean Dh�nch�in mhic Oisdealbhaigh UA60
Ranulf of Waterford UA60
Susanna Grey UA60
Aliénor de Narbonne UA61
Élise da Nizza UA61
Galen of Black Diamond UA61
Herriðr Freyugyðja Ögvaldsdóttir UA61
Iskender Bey al-Istanbuli UA61
Kateryn Rous UA61
Kirk Dragomani UA61
Richard de Montbrai UA61
Stefan O'Reilly UA61
Alesia la Sabia de Murcia UA62
Matsuura Suetsune UA62
Michael Batcok UA62
Nicholas de Wauerley UA62
Renata von Hentzau UA62
Sylvanus Perrin UA62
Tomas de Montroig UA62
Rowen ferch Rhys UA63
Findlaech MacAlasdair UA64
Rachel Wallace UA64
Siegfried Sebastian Faust UA64
Barre FitzRobert of York UA65
Christopher MacConing UA65
Marcellus Capoziello da Napoli UA65
Pedro de Alcazar UA65
Rebecca the Contrary UA65
Aodh Marland UA66
Asim al-Talib UA66
Rosalind Delamere UA66
Tegan de Moreton UA66
Danr Bjornsson UA67
Guenievre de Monmarche UA67
Maddelena Jessamyn de Piemonte UA67
Bell Phoebe de Givet UA68
Brianna O'Dinneen UA68
Debora Aurifex UA68
Iseulte of the Red Cliffs UA68
Martelle von Charlottenburg UA68
Maymunah bint Da'ud al Siqilliyah UA68
Mizuno Sakami UA68
Pietro Trevisan UA68
Roland de Mounteney UA68
Siobhán NicDhuinnshléibhe UA68
Ursula d'Arcy UA68
Bryan Morgan UA69
Dante di Pietro UA69
Graçia Esperança de Sevilla UA69
Janina Krakowska UA69
Celric d'Ravelle UA70
Jehannette de Provins UA70
Livia Zanna UA70
Anne la Settere UA71
Helwynn Ivelchild UA71
Michel von Schönsee UA71
Amie Sparrow UA72
Cassandra Arabella Giordano UA72
Ealdthryth of Humberstone UA72
Erich von Kleinfeld UA72
Karl Haraldsson UA72
Kenwrec FitzRaymund UA72
Reyne Telarius UA72
Richard Wymarc UA72
Alina Silverthorne UA73
Livia of Ravenswode UA73
Mavi of Misthaven UA73
Naomi Di Messina UA73
Siegfried McClure UA73
Geoffrey Clwyd UA74
Kaleeb al-Akhdar UA74
Khadir bar Yosef ha-Kuzari UA75
Tirzah MacCrudden UA75
Antonio di Capizzi UA76
Cairistiona de Coueran UA76
Magda z Stalburg UA78
Mariana Francisco UA78
Njall Thorvaldsson UA78
Sunneva de Cleia UA78
Aelfwynn Gyrthesdohtor UA79
Blitha of Wolfhou UA79
Dolce dei Bracchi UA79
Elwynne Liers UA79
Inga Fostra inn Danska UA79
Gwen Wulf UA80
Morwenna Trevethan UA80
Andreas de Caunteton UA81
Pagan Grendel UA81
Patricia of Trakai UA81
Rosanella Vespucci UA81
Yseulte Trevelyn UA81
Margot of Middlegate UA110

There are 241 recipients.